Application / Depth effect

Model maintenance made easy and effective

Increase your organization's efficiency, agility and innovation. Use N5-Solutions' digital technologies to replace traditional document-based management systems. Promote acceptance of change and make your management system a valued application.


N5-Solutions with 5 times the depth!

You operate your (integrated) management system because it is the basis for increasing the performance of your company. Consistent process orientation, a high degree of clarity in the system, an easily comprehensible methodology, distributed activities in the creation of relevant content, and broad acceptance by employees and management are the success factors for this! And your management system is based on a multitude of individual documents? You need more...


More System

It is about the clarity of your management system and the ability to see the connections, rather than being a file manager.

More Method

It is about keeping your management system simple and tightly focused on the essentials, rather than giving individual users individual freedom.

More Activity

It is about involving all employees in the planning, application, analysis and improvement of the management system, rather than leaving it to a few appointed people.

More Digital Transformation

It's about leveraging technological change for the benefit of your business, your people, and your partners, rather than just doing something with "the cloud" or "Industry 4.0".

More Acceptance

It's about unlocking the potential to improve your organization's performance, not just hanging certificates on the wall.

More digital management system

Suitable for all employees, tasks, requirements, company sizes, languages, industries and budgets

Complete toolbox

Everything inside that you need to plan, apply, analyze and improve your management system.

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Web-based application

Whether hosted on-premises or in the cloud, all you need is a browser and N5-solutions are reliably at your fingertips.

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Affordable price models

We believe your digital management system should cost no more than a cappuccino per employee per month.

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Global harmony

Work in more than 20 languages and harmonize processes and documents globally across multiple process landscapes.

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All from one source! Designed, developed and supported in Germany - since 2001

Web-based software

Choose the stylish and highly available solution. Thanks to 100% web-based and responsive design, N5 solutions look good everywhere. On any device, in any browser and in more than 20 languages.

Developed in Stuttgart, Germany - operated at your site or in our PDCA-360 cloud.


Process-oriented method

Learn what "turtles", the "Highlander" and the "Swabian sweeper week" have to do with process-oriented management systems.

Discover how processes, documents, organizational units, people, functions, audits, measures and much more are connected. Experience the N5-Solutions with the 5-fold depth effect for more

system, method, perspective, activity and acceptance.

Integrated management system

Arm yourself against the flood of requirements and benefit from the experience of our QM-Unity.

QM, UM, AS, GoB, IS and and and - with the N5-Solutions you can harmonize everything in no time.
Whether large or small. Whether local or global.

We are convinced that we have the right solution for you. Also in terms of price. Give it a try!